Clinical Trial for Atopic Dermatitis
Who can participate?
- Adults aged 18 and above diagnosed with atopic dermatitis (eczema) may participate.
Inclusion Criteria
- Diagnosis of moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis (AD) present for at least a year
- AD involvement on 10% or more of your body surface area (BSA)*
- • History of inadequate response to treatment with topical medications, or medical determination that topical therapies are inadvisable.
*1% of your body surface area is roughly equal to the palm of your hand (no wrists or fingers)
What Are The Benefits?
- No cost to participate or receive study treatment
- Regular visits with study doctors who specialize in treating AD (22 study visits)
- Will receive either an investigative drug or a placebo – after week 16 until week 52 all participants receive APG777
How long will the study last?
- Approximately 2 years
Note: participants must apply an over-the-counter emollient/moisturizer of their choice for the duration of the study.
Please complete the form below and a member of our team will reach out to discuss next steps.