Facet Dermatology
Belkyra Toronto
If you’re bothered by your “double chin,” you’re not alone. In fact, 67% of people feel the same way.
Belkyra & Kybella Treatment in Toronto
Belkyra, also known as Kybella, is a Health Canada and FDA-approved non-surgical procedure that targets and permanently eliminates stubborn fat cells below the chin, creating a more refined, youthful profile. When you get treated with Belkyra, you don't have to worry about nerve-wracking factors of surgery, like general anesthesia, incisions, or weeks of downtime. This simple series of injections takes only 20 minutes per treatment session and delivers permanent results.
Double chin removal with Belkyra or Kybella treatment at Facet Dermatology in Toronto is safe, effective, and always performed by Dr. Geeta Yadav, a highly skilled dermatologist with extensive experience and training in both medical and aesthetic dermatology. At our state-of-the-art clinic, the Facet Dermatology team offers a variety of minimally-invasive and effective procedures to help address a variety of concerns.
What causes fullness under the chin?
Fullness under the chin, also known as the submental area, may be caused by aging, genetics, or changes in body weight. Even if you maintain a healthy diet and follow a consistent exercise routine, double chin fat can linger. Ultimately, this can cause a person to look older and heavier — and feel self-conscious.
Studies show that self-perception as it relates to our appearance can have a dramatic effect on our outlook and self-esteem; unfortunately, submental fullness often goes untreated. Considering that this frustrating concern is a common one (it's normal to accumulate fat in this area!), that may surprise you to hear. But the truth is that many patients believe that there aren't any non-surgical options to get rid of unwanted fat cells beneath the chin.
However, that's not the case — you don't have to rely on liposuction or other surgical procedures to treat this area. Belkyra treatments are Health Canada-approved to permanently eliminate submental fat, creating a sleeker, more defined profile that helps patients look younger and slimmer, and feel more confident.

What does Belkyra treat?
+ Jawline definition
+ Unwanted double chin
+ Loose skin
How does Belkyra treatment work?
The active ingredient in Belkyra is deoxycholic acid, a naturally-occurring substance in the body that aids in the breakdown of fat cell membranes. Gross but fun fact: It's actually a byproduct of your intestinal bacteria. By breaking down dietary fat, it makes it easy for your body to absorb and flush out of your body.
In the case of a Belkyra treatment, the deoxycholic acid is a lab-created substance; it's a non-human, non-animal formulation. When injected into submental fat, the deoxycholic acid works to target and destroy fat cells, gradually eliminating them and restoring definition to the neck and jawline.
Once you've completed your course of treatment, the final results are permanent, eliminating bulging fat in the double chin area for good. Each injectable treatment session is usually completed in the office in just 15 to 20 minutes.
How is Belkyra administered?
Belkyra treatments are performed via a series of injections to the subcutaneous fat under the chin. Before she starts your procedure, Dr. Yadav may apply a topical numbing agent for added comfort, then will treat the area. As you're injected, you may feel an uncomfortable stinging or pinching sensation. This is normal for injectable treatments — as soon as you feel that sensation, it quickly dissipates.
Dr. Yadav will treat you with a maximum of 50 injections to destroy any stubborn fat under your chin. After your fat reduction procedure is complete, we will apply an ice pack to help alleviate any swelling or discomfort. Though this process may sound time-consuming, it actually only takes about 15 minutes!
Once you're done, you can resume your day and complete any normal activities (though your provider may want you to hold off on more strenuous exercise for a couple of days). After a few weeks, you'll come in for your next appointment, continuing this pattern until you've completed your course of treatment. Many patients find that they achieved the results they wanted after their fourth session.
How many treatments with Belkyra are needed to see results?
Most patients will notice visible improvements to the appearance of their chin profile in two to four Belkyra sessions, though some will require up to six. These appointments are typically spaced at least a month apart. Once your desired results are achieved, additional treatment sessions will not be needed.
Is Belkra safe?
Belkyra is a safe treatment and is the first and only injectable procedure that's been approved by Health Canada for the improvement of the appearance of fullness in the area under the chin. The non-surgical treatment is considered very safe when injected by a highly trained and experienced practitioner like Dr. Geeta Yadav, founder and medical director of Facet Dermatology. The risk of an allergic reaction to Belkyra in properly screened patients is low. Side effects are mild and tend not to last beyond two weeks; the injections are generally well tolerated.
Is Belkyra right for you?
Belkyra is an innovative beauty breakthrough and first-in-class, non-surgical option for both men and women who are bothered by fullness under the chin and wish to improve the appearance of their chin profile without surgery. However, if you have both submental fat and severe skin laxity, you'll want to consult with your provider to ensure this injectable treatment is right for you.

Benefits of Belkyra
+ Quick & easy treatments
+ No surgery required
+ Safe & effective
+ Achieve optimal results
+ Permanent fat reduction
Recovery & Results
Belkyra gradually improves the appearance of double chins and profiles over a number of treatment sessions, the number of which vary from patient to patient. Deoxycholic acid, the active ingredient and naturally-occurring molecule in this injectable treatment, takes time to work. The results of each treatment session will be visible in about four to six weeks thereafter; many patients will see their desired results after four sessions, but some may need six sessions to achieve their ideal outcome.
For most patients, downtime is minimal and occurs most commonly after the first Belkyra session. As with other injectable treatments, you may experience mild to moderate side effects including swelling, bruising, redness, pain, numbness, tingling or itchiness and a sensation of warmth. You may experience a sensation of hardness across or in small areas within the injection area. Some patients treated with Belkyra also report headaches after treatment.
The side effects from this procedure, especially swelling or firmness, tend to last two weeks at most and shouldn't inhibit your ability to participate in normal activities. Your provider may suggest you avoid strenuous exercise for up to five days after your appointment, but generally speaking, as soon as your treatment sessions are over, you can go about your day.
A lot of injection treatment options, like neurotoxins or dermal fillers, offer temporary results. But remember, Belkyra treatment uses a substance that's found naturally in the body known for its ability to destroy fat cell membranes. Once those membranes are no longer intact, your body will eliminate the free fatty acids released by the damaged fat cells on its own—and those fat cells can't come back, meaning the results of your Belkyra injections are permanent. This creates a smoother, firmer appearance where a double chin once was, and that new look lasts, even with minor weight fluctuations.
Do you have more questions about Belkyra?
We can help! Visit us at Facet Dermatology in Toronto, where Dr. Geeta Yadav can answer your questions about non-surgical options like Belkyra injections and create a treatment plan that's customized to your unique aesthetic goals.